Absence from School is divided into two kinds, authorised and unauthorised. The government is very concerned about the level of unauthorised absence, and each school must now publish statistics showing the level of unauthorised absence.
When your child is unexpectedly absent from school, please telephone on the first morning to let the school know. We have a dedicated absence line. Absence can also be reported using the Edulink app. Without an explanation for absence, children will be marked as unauthorised.
If your child has a medical or dental appointment please inform the teacher well in advance, especially if it is an early morning appointment. If the appointment takes place during the day, children can be collected from the school office. For safety reasons we do not let children out of school unaccompanied. Children cannot be collected/return to school during the lunch period.
Our full attendance policy can be found here.
As from September 2013, Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence in term time unless there are very exceptional circumstances.
Family holidays are not regarded as exceptional circumstances, therefore any absence taken for holidays will be subject to a fixed penalty notice. From September 2013, fines will be as follows:
£60 per child imposed to each parent if paid within 21 days.
£120 per child imposed to each parent if paid within 28 days.