
A message from the Chairman of the Ardleigh Green Local Governing Committee

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Ardleigh Green Schools, part of the Empower Learning Academy Trust.

At Ardleigh Green we have a team of dedicated and enthusiastic staff committed to ensuring our children reach their full potential within a caring and supportive learning environment. We have been judged by Ofsted to be outstanding on three occasions and are justifiably proud of our academic, sporting and artistic success and the excellent relationship we enjoy with parents and the local community. At Ardleigh Green EVERYONE GROWS. We hope this website helps you to grow in knowledge and understanding of our vision, values and the wide range of activities offered to our pupils.

William Jennings

I am proud to have been part of the Ardleigh Green community for over 25 years as a parent, governor and now as the Chairman of the Interim Transitional Board. Ardleigh Green is an Adventure Park for the mind where EVERYONE GROWS

Local Governing Committee

The Local Governing Committee meets half termly with the agenda being set by EMPOWER. Before becoming an academy, governors met termly as a full governing body discharging its responsibilities for Teaching, Learning, Finance, Human Resources and Health and Safety through termly committee meetings. As a Local Governance Committee, governors will now be required to focus on teaching and learning with other responsibilities being monitored centrally. The Local Governance Committee will report directly to the Trust Board. For more information, please click here

NameTypeDate of AppointmentCategoryBusiness Interests
William JenningsL.A.September 2019ChairmanNo
Sue ConsterdineCo-optedSeptember 2019Vice ChairNo
Pete EasyCo-optedSeptember 2019GovernorNo
Kevin StephensonCo-optedSeptember 2019GovernorYes
Christine DrewCo-optedSeptember 2019GovernorNo
Nicola MoraleeParentJuly 2023GovernorNo
Priya RamkumarParentJuly 2023GovernorNo
Tracey CoppinStaffSeptember 2019GovernorNo
Verity HoffmanStaffSeptember 2019ObserverNo
Janelle JohnsonStaffSeptember 2019ObserverNo

Board Skills Audit

Governors are required to complete an annual skills audit to ensure that collectively the Governing Body has the necessary knowledge, skills and understanding to effectively monitor school performance. In addition, governors are required to undertake regular training in relation to governance and educational matters. This training is led either by the school or the local authority.

NameFinanceHRLeadershipProject Management
William JenningsYesYesYesYes
Sue ConsterdineYesYesYesNo
Pete EasyYesYesYesYes
Kevin StephensonYesYesYesYes
Christine DrewNoYesYesNo
Tracey CoppinYesNoNoNo

Governor Information

William Jennings

William has been the Chairman of Governors since 1999. He was originally appointed as a parent governor. William, now retired, led a large department of a local council. Bill brings expertise in relation to strategic planning, finance and leadership and management.

Kevin Stephenson

Kevin runs a local architect and surveying company. Kevin brings expertise in relation to buildings, project management, finance and health and safety.

Peter Easy

Peter, now retired, was a senior manager at national level for a major telecommunications company. Peter brings expertise in relation to leadership and management, performance management, data analysis and strategic planning. 

Christine Drew

Christine is a retired Infant Headteacher. She was previously a governor for the Infant School. Christine brings educational expertise particularly in relation to Early Years and Infant Education.

Sue Consterdine

A retired primary school senior leader, Sue brings a wide range of educational experience particularly in relation to teaching and learning and Special Educational Needs.

Tracey Coppin

Tracey has been a Teaching Assistant at Ardleigh Green Junior School for over 20 years. Tracey has particular expertise in supporting children in Upper Key Stage 2, particularly in Mathematics. Tracey brings particular expertise in relation to the Junior Curriculum and the analysis and interpretation of data.

Pecuniary Interests

All governors are required to declare any business involvement which in any way could be associated with their work as governors at Ardleigh Green Junior School. The following declarations have been recorded:

Kevin Stephenson       Architect and Surveyor

Governor Attendance 2023 to 2024

Name10th October 2023Date 2023Date 2023Date 2023
William JenningsYes
Sue ConsterdineYes
Pete EasyNo
Kevin StephensonYes
Priya RamkumarYes
Christine DrewYes
Nicola MoraleeYes
Tracey CoppinYes
Janelle JohnsonYes
Verity HoffmanYes

Governor Attendance 2022 to 2023

Name13thOctober 20221stDecember 202221st February 202327th June 2023
William JenningsYesYesYesYes
Sue ConsterdineYesYesYesYes
Pete EasyYesYesYesYes
Kevin StephensonYesYesYesYes
Sarah BennettYesYesYesYes
Christine DrewYesYesNoYes
Stephanie GibsonYesYesNoYes
Vicki AlderYesNoNoYes
Sam WileyYesYesYesYes
Tracey CoppinYesYesYesYes
John MorrisYesYesYesYes

Financial benchmarking information is available here