Design and Technology

Throughout the DT curriculum, children are provided with the opportunity to design, make and evaluate products with a purpose and audience in mind. Through well planned lessons and high-quality resources, our pupils are encouraged to build upon their prior learning and experiences. Through the evaluation of past and present design and technology, they develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world.

Our Creative Crafters

Knowledge: Our pupils will achieve the fundamental principles of design and technology in the study of materials and structures, mechanisms, textiles and food and nutrition.

Skills: Children will put their knowledge into action through design and build projects. Focused tasks within each unit ensure the rehearsal of key skills that are essential for producing a quality finished product.

Experiences: Our pupils will have the opportunity to follow a brief when participating in design and build projects that link to the world in which we live. Working both collaboratively and independently, they will explore skills and apply them creatively to their own design; evaluating successes and failures through the making process. 


To engage our school community, we encourage parent visitors to share their skills within assemblies and provide visitor workshops in Food and Nutrition and Engineering. Year 6 have the opportunity to engage with Design and Technology in a senior school setting.

Curriculum Planning

High quality lesson planning ensures that our pupils build on existing knowledge and skills over the course of their learning journey. This leads to better understanding, knowledge retention and engagement.