Working Together, Learning Together and Growing Together
Imagine an Adventure Park for the mind that keeps on growing and improving.
The park belongs to a community of people who are responsible, caring, considerate and committed to learning.
Notice how adults and children respect and value each other and how well they work together as a team. Notice how they relate positively with one another through their work, the problems they solve together and the hopes and dreams they have for the future.
Marvel at the music, drama and artwork on display and be amazed by the talents of adults and children as they are encouraged to develop their abilities and achieve their personal best.
Feel the calm, purposeful atmosphere of the park and smile as you hear the children, happy and confident as they play, learn and achieve together.
Notice the high expectations, the fun, the laughter, the high standards of work and behaviour.
Notice the awards received the special events and celebrations of achievement and the appreciation of visitors and the general public.
Notice too the infectious enthusiasm,
dedication and commitment of adults and children who are proud to be associated with the Adventure Park.
This is Ardleigh Green Junior School! An Adventure Park for the mind, with staff, children, parents and governors, Working Together, Learning
Together and Growing Together as lifelong learners.
Admission is free, opening hours are 8.00am to 6.00pm Mondays to Fridays, with special evening and weekend events throughout the year.
Activities take place throughout term time but the lessons learnt, the friends made, and the memories created last a lifetime.